is a celebration of womanhood. “Va-Jay-Jay” is an expression Oprah used, when she felt uncomfortable saying “vagina”. I am conscious that many women also experience embarrassment, when they speak about their sexuality. My hope with Understanding Eve,

is that no woman will ever experience shame in regards to her sexuality.


is a celebration of womanhood. “Va-Jay-Jay” is an expression Oprah used, when she felt uncomfortable saying “vagina”. I am conscious that many women also experience embarrassment, when they speak about their sexuality. My hope with Understanding Eve,

is that no woman will ever experience shame in regards to her sexuality.

  • Understanding Eve is the first Opus of a series of three books.

  • My objective here is to change the representation that women have of their own sexuality, and their own bodies. Whether they come from a permissive background, or a puritan one, I want each woman, regardless of age, to be able to receive and deepen a solid foundation, to understand the beauty that comes with being a woman.

  • Single or married, you are a sexual being! We can’t let ourselves be fooled. God is the author of sexuality, not Satan. We need to take back what he’s stolen from us, and come back to what God had planned. There is a real beauty in how God sees sexuality. We need to reestablish sexuality as being spiritual first, then emotional, then physical, and especially, beautiful!

  • Understanding Eve is the first Opus of a series of three books.

  • My objective here is to change the representation that women have of their own sexuality, and their own bodies. Whether they come from a permissive background, or a puritan one, I want each woman, regardless of age, to be able to receive and deepen a solid foundation, to understand the beauty that comes with being a woman.

  • Single or married, you are a sexual being! We can’t let ourselves be fooled. God is the author of sexuality, not Satan. We need to take back what he’s stolen from us, and come back to what God had planned. There is a real beauty in how God sees sexuality. We need to reestablish sexuality as being spiritual first, then emotional, then physical, and especially, beautiful!


Understanding Eve is a celebration of femininity and contains everything you need to know about a woman’s sexuality.

I want to encourage women to reconcile with their sexuality and allow them to fully live their femininity, whatever stage of life they are in.

Whether you are married, single, or a gentleman who desire to discover the feminine mysteries, Understanding Eve is for you!


Understanding Eve is a celebration of femininity and contains everything you need to know about a woman’s sexuality.

I want to encourage women to reconcile with their sexuality and allow them to fully live their femininity, whatever stage of life they are in.

Whether you are married, single, or a gentleman who desire to discover the feminine mysteries, Understanding Eve is for you!

Rachel MIQUEL Dufour

Pastor, therapist, marital counselor & sexologist

Mum of five boys, all grown-ups today.

During her travels around the world, Rachel MIQUEL DUFOUR often interacts with women who are imprisoned by a bad understanding of sexuality. She accompanies them, and guides them towards total freedom.

Her French education, her experience as a mother of five boys, her missionary work in Asia, and her years of service as a pastor and therapist allow her to have a unique point of view and offer practical, adapted solutions. 

Rachel MIQUEL Dufour

Pastor, therapist, marital counselor & sexologist

Mum of five boys, all grown-ups today.

During her travels around the world, Rachel MIQUEL DUFOUR often interacts with women who are imprisoned by a bad understanding of sexuality. She accompanies them, and guides them towards total freedom.

Her French education, her experience as a mother of five boys, her missionary work in Asia, and her years of service as a pastor and therapist allow her to have a unique point of view and offer practical, adapted solutions. 


My passion is to encourage women to have a fulfilled sexuality, whether they are married or single.

We are all sexual beings. And there exists an appropriate sexuality for each stage of our lives. 

So, yes, we can, we must talk about it!



My passion is to encourage women to have a fulfilled sexuality, whether they are married or single.

We are all sexual beings. And there exists an appropriate sexuality for each stage of our lives. 

So, yes, we can, we must talk about it!

Understanding Eve addresses

the following topics:

Sexuality from the Cradle to the Grave

Designed by God, Twisted by Satan

The Oui and the Non

Being Single as a Sexual Being

So Different, But So Complementary

Write Your Own Story

Why, Oh Why ?

Building Your Friendship

The Female Body - A Piece of Art!

The Chemistry of Love and the Orgasm

The Miracle of Life and Menopause

Sexuality from the Cradle to the Grave

Why, Oh Why ?

Designed by God, Twisted by Satan

Building Your Friendship

The Oui and the Non

The Female Body - A Piece of Art!

Being Single as a Sexual Being

The Chemistry of Love and the Orgasm

So Different, But So Complementary

The Miracle of Life and Menopause

Write Your Own Story

Understanding Eve, an ode to femininity!

“This is a celebratory book that is L-O-N-G overdue, and will completely transform your life, your health, your self-esteem, and your marriage relationship IF you let it. This message will also transform how you parent your own daughters (and sons), giving you the confidence to speak of issues that our own parents most likely didn’t care to touch with a ten-foot pole.

So, before you let Rachel teach you how to say, “Hurray for the Va-Jay-Jay” I’m honored to have this opportunity to say, “Hurray for Rachel Dufour!” Hurray for all that she’s invested into her own healing process... Hurray for her courage and confidence in boldly proclaiming the message that God has entrusted to her... Hurray for a wise woman who is willing to boldly go where few writers have gone before – into the sacred mystery of female sexuality and the energy that it brings into our own lives and into the lives of the men we love!

I believe you, too, will soon be shouting, “Hurray” as you glean from Rachel’s sage advice and motherly wisdom, so put on your seatbelt and get ready for an invigorating ride! We both pray that these pages bring great enlightenment and enrichment to YOUR life and intimate relationships!”

Shannon ETHRIDGE, M.A.,

Life/Relationship Coach, International Speaker and Author of 22 books

including the million-copy, best-selling, "Every Woman’s Battle" series and "The Sexually Confident Wife"

Understanding Eve,

an ode to femininity!

“This is a celebratory book that is L-O-N-G overdue, and will completely transform your life, your health, your self-esteem, and your marriage relationship IF you let it. This message will also transform how you parent your own daughters (and sons), giving you the confidence to speak of issues that our own parents most likely didn’t care to touch with a ten-foot pole.

So, before you let Rachel teach you how to say, “Hurray for the Va-Jay-Jay” I’m honored to have this opportunity to say, “Hurray for Rachel Dufour!” Hurray for all that she’s invested into her own healing process... Hurray for her courage and confidence in boldly proclaiming the message that God has entrusted to her... Hurray for a wise woman who is willing to boldly go where few writers have gone before – into the sacred mystery of female sexuality and the energy that it brings into our own lives and into the lives of the men we love!

I believe you, too, will soon be shouting, “Hurray” as you glean from Rachel’s sage advice and motherly wisdom, so put on your seatbelt and get ready for an invigorating ride! We both pray that these pages bring great enlightenment and enrichment to YOUR life and intimate relationships!”

Shannon ETHRIDGE, M.A.,

Life/Relationship Coach, International Speaker and Author of 22 books

including the million-copy, best-selling, "Every Woman’s Battle" series and "The Sexually Confident Wife"


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Understanding Eve

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Understanding Eve

in eBook

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An excellent way to read this celebration of femininity on your phone, iPad, or computer ...

Does Womanhood Influence My Life?

If a woman decides to discover the potential of her sexuality through God’s perspective, and integrates this divine model to her own personal understanding, the wonderful balance that will result from it will transform her life, her marriage (if she marries), and even her family over multiple generations.

Does Womanhood Influence My Life?

If a woman decides to discover the potential of her sexuality through God’s perspective, and integrates this divine model to her own personal understanding, the wonderful balance that will result from it will transform her life, her marriage (if she marries), and even her family over multiple generations.

Single or married, you are a wonderful sexual being!

Single or married,

you are a wonderful sexual being!

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