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I Choose to Not Get Angry

October 09, 20202 min read

The anger we are talking about here is not the expression of indignation a feeling that is legitimate, and controlled, without sin, like that which Jesus manifested on many occasions. For example, when He drove away the merchants of the temple or when He spoke harshly to the Pharisees.

The anger mentioned here is the one the James says does not fulfill the will of God (James 1:20), and the one Paul reminds us, in Ephesians 4: 26-27, to not got to bed without first having dealt with it, or risk giving the enemy a foot hold in our lives.

How can we know the difference between the two?

Indignation is a healthy and necessary emotion, generated by an unacceptable moral situation. It does not dominate us, remains under our control, and requires action as a believer. Ex: Violence, abuse, lives being endangered. 

Anger is often uncontrolled. It dominates the one who is affected by it. It makes them lose control of their thoughts, words and actions during the time that anger has it’s hold. It blinds them to the consequences that will follow.

Why do we get angry?

Often it is because we were unable to express all of our positive or negative emotions at the right moment. These emotions accumulate, to a certain extent, in our soul, until the day when the cup overflows and everything comes out like an explosion.

There are many reasons why someone gets angry and it varies for each individual. Some reasons are a lack of self-control, a bad education, growing up in an environment conducive to verbal or physical violence, excessive suffering or sadness, or as a defense mechanism.

How can we resist?

  • Recognize you have a problem!

  • Humble yourself and invite the Holy Spirit to fight this battle with you.

  • Acknowledge and list the situations in which you allow these explosions to take place. How do you justify it? (Injustice, fear, shame...)

  • Recognize the moment where, in the secret of your heart, you have the choice to say yes or no to the anger. Learn to consciously master this moment.

  • Find a list of words that describes different emotions and use them in your daily vocabulary to express how you feel.

  • Ask forgiveness from those you have hurt.

  • Do not be discouraged, this fight takes time.

  • Celebrate each victory over anger.

  • God has the power, with your participation, to deliver you from it.

  • Self-control is one of the fruits of the life of the Holy Spirit in us (Galatians 5:22).

Self control is one of  the fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22)

Good luck!


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Eric Dufour

Eric is a pastor, missionary, therapist, and lecturer committed to the servants of God. Through his professional experience and personal trials, he is aware of the particular difficulties and crises experienced by Christian leaders, whether couples or singles, in their duties. From this realization came the call to offer them services that would enable them to receive professional and spiritual help, in complete confidentiality, from people who could understand and help them effectively. In response to this call, he and his wife Rachel founded the ministry "Service Aux Ministères" (SAM), which offers counselling to Christian leaders worldwide. Eric-v. is the father of 5 grown-up sons and a happy grandfather.

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